Certification of Knowledge in Critical Incident Stress Management (CCISM)

Understanding Crisis Intervention and Disaster Response

The Certification in Critical Incident Stress Management (CCISM), offered by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc (ICISF) in partnership with UMBC‘s Department of Emergency Health Services through its Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) program is the world’s first university-based certification in the field of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and psychological crisis intervention.

The goal of the certification is to foster enhanced knowledge about crisis intervention and disaster response from the CISM perspective. In doing so it is hoped that research and practice shall be fostered as well. Passing this exam is a Certification of KNOWLEDGE, not practice per se, relevant to CISM and crisis intervention and disaster response. However, we believe that better practice is based upon increased knowledge.

CISM is most accurately defined as an integrated multi-component continuum of psychological interventions to be provided in the context of acute adversity, trauma, and disaster on an as needed basis to appropriate recipient populations. CISM is not a singular technique nor a treatment for acute stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, posttraumatic depression, or bereavement and grief.

The certification is EXAMINATION-based, which will be delivered online and will be in an open-book format.

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Benefit #1

Improved crisis management skills

Benefit #2

Enhanced career opportunities

Benefit #3

Recognized expertise in CISM

CCISM Certification is for:

The CCISM Certification is designed for a wide range of professionals, including emergency responders, mental health clinicians, public health personnel, disaster responders, educators, clergy, employee assistance professionals, CERT team members, and anyone interested in demonstrating their knowledge in CISM. It’s also ideal for organizations that want to promote and standardize a fundamental knowledge base among its personnel who respond to crisis and trauma.

The CCISM Examination is a confirmation of an individual’s basic understanding of CISM and its nature and principles. The certification is a recognition of knowledge, not practical or applied ability, and it’s not a certification of clinical or applied competency.

Take the First Step in Becoming a CISM Expert - Enroll in the ICISF CCISM Certification Today!